Aug 8 2019 0

Inland Dredging Company: Full Speed Ahead with Memphis Dredging Project

Dyersburg, Tennessee based Inland Dredging Company is nine (9) days into dredging in McKellar Lake Harbor, Memphis, TN.  Inland’s 24″ Cutter-head Suction Dredge CSD INTEGRITY (photo above in featured image) is working under a three year contract with the Memphis District of the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Corps Memphis District begins at the mouth of the Ohio River and runs down the Mississippi River to the mouth of the White River in Arkansas — about 375 river miles.  Ten (10) harbors exist within the district, with the largest being the McKellar Lake Harbor.


Greg Ford, President, Inland Dredging Company.

“We started dredging there nine (9) days ago and have removed close to 160,000 yards.  The other 9 harbors have all received funding so we will move up to the northern most and work our way down before finishing up before Christmas,” said, Greg Ford, President of Inland Dredging Company.

Mr. Ford added: “With the significant high water we have had this year, there is major concern for above average silting in many harbors, up and down the river-ways.  We are running into heavy silting areas in Memphis area, and with grain season coming, it’s all hands-on deck to get these cleared and functioning before the harvest.”

New floating hose — Inland Dredging hose trailing the CSD INTEGRITY.

Inland Dredging Company has made sizable investments this year in float hose and a new spacer barge that allows the company to meet the contract swing widths that the Army Corps of Engineers is putting forth in their contracts.

“The DCA companies do it all,” said William P. Doyle, CEO & Executive Director of the Dredging Contractors of America (DCA).  “We make sure America’s inland river system is dredged and cleared, ensuring the movement of commerce.  Our companies are always reinvesting in the dredging sector with capital investment and securing of fixed assets– Inland Dredging Company is another shining example of America’s dredging industry at its best.”



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