The Dredging Contractors of America (DCA) is a non-profit trade association that has represented the interests of the U.S. dredging and marine construction industry and its members for over 30 years.
Our Vision
Creating a robust and unified American dredging industry
Our Mission
Develop Solutions that Protect the Jones Act, Promote the Private Fleet, and Create a Strong National Dredging Program
more about dca
DCA has been at the forefront of efforts that include establishment of formal partnering at the highest levels of the Corps, and other government entities, on issues such as over-depth dredging, emergency response, funding, contractual policy issues, project estimating, and the environment. Additionally, DCA is a respected industry partner for its ability to bring together a broad base of industry stakeholders and decision-makers to engage in open forum and continue the discourse concerning policy issues important to the industry as a whole.
Additionally, DCA serves as a vital resource to various other maritime industry groups for dredging expertise, both in Washington and across the country. These groups frequently consult DCA and its members on mutually important issues, while at other times DCA members are requested to provide input on technical and commercial issues that affect third-party projects.
DCA is a member of several organizations and works hand-in-hand with such groups as the American Maritime Partnership (AMP), the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA), and the National Waterways Conference (NWC). Serving on the board of the ASBPA, DCA is able to remain informed of and influence shore protection issues, as well as provide the industry an opportunity to corroborate with local, state, Federal, and private stakeholders.
DCA attends and monitors industry-relevant conferences and provides frequent updates to its members on matters of concern to the dredging industry. It also cosponsors several scheduled meetings during the year, including the National Dredging Meeting and the Industry/Corps Hopper Dredge Management Group (ICHDMG) meetings, providing input to develop agendas and recruit speakers for these meetings. At the National Dredging Meeting, DCA presents the William R. Murden Lifetime Public Service Achievement Award to an outstanding Corps of Engineers employee who has made significant contributions to the trade.
DCA assists in lobbying Congress on critical industry issues, the most important of which is authorization and funding for projects. DCA staff works closely with congressional and Corps staff to understand how budget decisions will affect the market and disseminate that information to association members. Staffers make clear the implications of budget cuts to government decision-makers familiar with the industry.
Upon approval by its Board of Directors, DCA may choose to tackle an issue on behalf of the general membership. These issues are typically handled by separate subcommittees. If an issue affects only a portion of the membership, then a Special Project Group may be formed, the costs of which absorbed by the affected members.
Every spring DCA conducts an annual conference where its members engage in social events and activities with each other and their spouses. The highlight of the meeting is a presentation by a prominent guest speaker(s) from the Corps whose discussions provide important information on issues affecting the dredging industry. The give-and-take opportunities afforded DCA members and Corps officials prove invaluable in creating a mutual understanding across the industry.
In summary, the Dredging Contractors of America provides a full range of association services to its members in order to create a robust and unified American dredging industry by developing solutions that preserve the Jones Act, promote the private fleet, and create a strong national dredging program.